Who We Are ?
Message from the Chairman
Mission Statement
What do we believe?
common terms
The THREE PATHS THEORY for people with same sex attraction
Whom we serve
Books review
(1) A crossed cheque payable to “NEW CREATION ASSOCIATION LIMITED”
(2) Direct debit to NCA accounts:
Hong Kong Bank 534-644-158-001
Bank of China Hong Kong 012-917-000-15605
And send back the original copy to us. Please write down your name, phone number, email & address, and send it together with credit card information/ crossed cheque/ original copy of bank-in slip/ copy of ATM For enquiries,
Whatapps the slip to : (852) – 6619 1492
please phone us Lo at (852) – 2549 2509 or email to info@newcreationhk.org. Donation of HK$100 or above is tax deductible with a receipt.
(3) To join our monthly donation plan by Direct Debit Authorization. Advice or information of Direct Debit Authorization to NCA office.
Download Direct Debit Authorization
Contact us:
Phone:(852) – 2549 2509
Whatapps: (852) – 6619 1492
Fax: (852) – 3542 9642
Email: info@newcreationhk.org
Postal Address: Box 72034, Kowloon Central Post Office
Office hour: Monday to Friday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.